Community Service Day: Cornerstone Ranch

by | Oct 12, 2022

The Carter team spends two days each year doing team community service projects. This fall, we supported Cornerstone Ranch in McKinney, a 42‐acre group home for adults with disabilities. The huge garden provides food for the “ranchers”, activities and flowers that are enjoyed on site and sometimes sold at local markets. While we came home tired and covered in mulch and compost, we felt great about helping to clean out the garden in preparation for what will become spring tulips.

Cornerstone’s mission is to empower adults with special needs to live an abundant life, accomplished by providing activities and personal growth opportunities through therapeutic animal care and organic gardening. Some of the ranchers are permanent residents, some are in a day program, and all feel great about being productive members of the community. Interested in learning more or showing support for Cornerstone? You can volunteer, make a donation or purchase something from their wish list here: https://www.cornerstone‐

Becky has been a CFP® professional for over 30 years and has focused her career on helping companies build successful, customer-focused businesses. She has special expertise in financial planning, insurance and mortgage strategies for the retirement marketplace.

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